grow inside
Flow outside

Embarking (solo) on a journey to build out a business of your passion or craft? It's easier said than done. Shape your own successful path by growing awareness on your business AND on yourself.

Shaping your own path

Whether you're already en route for a couple of years or just starting out as a creative entrepreneur, freelancer or small business owner, you'll experience certain blocks at different stages. Oh yes, the journey you have chosen has many endeavours...

But you're not alone! It's the mission of studiomotiv to be a compagnon de route in those moments. A place of connection and calm, where you can take a step back and recalibrate your compass. To build awareness, resilience and to grow inside out.

Ready for your next move?

Learn more about our Zone of Genius

Life and Business Coaching

Sounding Board

Real change starts from within

Running in circles and can't seem to hop over that horde? You're having all those ideas but can't seem to take action, you're freezing? You're at a tipping point or even questioning the existence of your business?

As a solopreneur, freelancer or small business owner, it can feel lonely at times. Because you're the only one behind the wheel. You tend to work it out all by yourself, because it's what defines you, it's what you're good at, right?

But there comes a time where you just can't see it or need that extra push or perspective and where your new self-help book or video just doesn't cut it. What if you could talk to someone that really listens and guides you through your endeavours...

Brand Strategy

Core brand

Know and grow your business to the next level

Branding and marketing can feel fake, dirty or manipulative and if there's one thing that we don't want to be, it's a slick salesy person. Yet, it's not the branding or marketing itself that are bad, it's the way we use them, intended or unintended.

Because here's the thing, even when you're not actively doing branding and marketing, you're actually still doing it. We do it by the clothes we wear, the music we love, what we like and dislike, how we talk to people, ... And this attracts — or repels — other humans.

At studiomotiv we believe authenticity and being conscious on what defines you, helps you conveying the message of a clear and confident, professional business, that is aligned with your raison d'être — one that stands out.  

Design mentoring

design a
Power Brand

From invisible to a powerful presence

Uniformity, order, design that stands out, it's what makes you trustworthy and recognisable. Yet, good design can be expensive, we get that. Luckily, today you have a plutora of platforms, often free, at your disposal where non-designers can make — or break — their design.

With that last in mind, what if you could still create your own logo, designs and website, with the guidance of a personal expert that has your back? That has tips to get you back on track, constructive feedback and holds you accountable to get things done. You are in control of your power brand.

Voornaam Naam
Tekst Testimonial
Tekst Testimonial
Tekst Testimonial

Hi, I'm Tom...

... and for years I have been grinding my way to combine my creative talents while carving out my own path and be self-employed. With interests in science, art and design, I've tried and done a lot of things, but not really to the extent that I was happy with it or knew as 'this is my thing'...

Read more about Tom

Tom Verhelst
The Journey

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